I so relate to the "hard to watch" sentiment. My wife doesn't watch, but asks me about it occasionally. Last night when I watched this episode she asked me how it was and my off-the-cuff response was, "It was good, but I'm excited for the season to be over."

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haha my wife said something similar last night! she doesn't know how much more she can bear. I do think it's a very clear artistic choice to make it that way, though.

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I’m so relieved you made the Arrested Development connection because I observed the same thing!

I’ve been voraciously consuming any kind of analysis of each episode and am thrilled to read your thoughts, particularly relating to Aristotle.

As I watch these following episodes, I cannot get Logan’s words out of my head: “I love you, but you’re not serious people”. Logan alluded to his difficult upbringing, one where we can presume he was not taken seriously and we can see this this (successfully) becoming his life’s mission and ultimately, his primary accomplishment, arguably in sacrifice to everything else. The entire series the children seemed only interested in him taking them seriously as individuals which, frankly, seemed to bore Logan as he loathed their dependency or worse, used this to his advantage to manipulate them. Now that Logan is gone, their presumption that they should be taken seriously is an angle each of them desperately searches for to no avail because while Logan may have gave/pretended to/withheld love, no one else is interested or obliged to. With maybe the exception of Tom(?) you’re right that there is no love. We only get small whiffs of approval from others but it’s always for their own selfish gain. This episode in particular reeked of their separate attempts (and failures) at being taken seriously each taking on aspects of Logan but also taking on the role of Logan for each other. Is this strangely out of love? Would they recognise it as such? What is it that they really want? If Logan is gone, is it even attainable?

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The AD parallels begin with the first episode! It's remarkable--the two form quite an interesting diptych about the last two decades of American imperialism, American capitalism. And the family drama in both sort of attempts to make it timeless.

It seems that Logan's relationship to all of his kids is entirely instrumental throughout the series. I thought he meant the second clause a lot more seriously than the first one. Can someone like that even know what "love" would mean? Or, if that's what love is, who wants to be loved like that?

Tom is interesting, though, because it depends on whether we believe him when he tells Shiv that he chose money over her, and would again. In that case, he is ironically much more like Logan than any of the Roy kids (despite his bootlicking, etc.)

Yeah, I mean, I think losing Logan is what makes the kids' sheer lack of direction so clear--as soon as he died the Pierce plan disappears, because the entire point was to use his money to compete with him. By beating him, maybe, they had the best chance of earning his respect, at last.

Thanks for reading!!!

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