Fully concur that kids + screens = the worst meltdowns.

And love this examination of the issue. I've had similar thoughts after reading Jonathan Haidt's substack. Our kids are on the younger end of the spectrum at the moment, so the particular emotional toll of screens/social media still seems like a problem for future me, but oh man can I sense that those habits need to be formed now.

This made me think of Ezra Klein's recent interview w PJ Vogt on Search Engine (worth the listen: https://pjvogt.substack.com/p/how-do-i-use-the-internet-now) where he talks about trying to create thick bands of attention where he's not reading online, getting interrupted, etc. He also mentions printing as much stuff out on paper as he can. What's old is new.

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I sometimes wonder how long it will be until we start treating screen time for kids as a public health issue. But I think I also know the odds of this happening are...not great.

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